Having started the march in the middle of the procession, I gradually moved towards the front simply because I want to see who were marching. About half way through, I found myself at the very front, right next to the leaders, and behind the truck that opened the road ahead for the marchers.
All the time, the march was peaceful and orderly. Towards the end, the police presence was getting heavier and heavier. They did not look particularly tense, however.
At the destination, we were across the road from the Liaison Office. I watched the leaders mount the stage, which was so small that some of them were in danger of falling off. There was no real gathering space. It consisted of the sidewalk outside of Western Police Station and one lane of the 4 lane Des Voeux Road. It was obvious the police were doing all it can to make it inconvenient for the marchers. But the people seemed relaxed. Some were smiling. There was little tension.
I stuck around the neighbourhood for half and hour, watching the rest of the marchers arrived and dispersed. Everything was orderly. Several demands were prominent: fair elections, abolishment of functional constituencies, and freedom for Liu Xiao Bo.
The commotion caused by people who rushed the Liason Office happened long after I left. I want to voice my opinion and demands peacefully. I do not agree with violence. I may not participate in such marches in the future. I am afraid people who employed radical, even violent means are hurting the peaceful movement towards fair elections and democracy.
On the other hand, the government, the people in power, and the police are not showing the respect and willingness to listen to the demands of the people. If they persist in stonewalling, some people in society may resort to more radical and violent means to press for their demands. They cannot wash their hands of the responsibility should that happens.
The first July 1 march against Article 23 marked the pride of Hong Kong people: peaceful march to voice our concerns. We didn't use foul language; we didn't push and scuffle; and we kept the streets clean. This is one way to tell the world that we are sensible, and we are ready for democracy (though the government said we were not.)
Alas, recent marches have deteriorated into shouting matches and violent confrontations. Peace-loving citizens are not going to join such marches, because violent expressions, for whatever cause, are not justifiable. We, who love peace, justice, freedom, and democracy should rise above such tactics.
The first July 1 march against Article 23 marked the pride of Hong Kong people: peaceful march to voice our concerns. We didn't use foul language; we didn't push and scuffle; and we kept the streets clean. This is one way to tell the world that we are sensible, and we are ready for democracy (though the government said we were not.)
Alas, recent marches have deteriorated into shouting matches and violent confrontations. Peace-loving citizens are not going to join such marches, because violent expressions, for whatever cause, are not justifiable. We, who love peace, justice, freedom, and democracy should rise above such tactics.
Longhair is the pride of HK, I support LSD.
I would not support nor encourage violent means of expression.
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