Sunday, January 15, 2023

Morning prayer

When I woke up this morning, it was too early to get out of bed, but I could not go back to sleep anymore.  So I prayed, as my usual practice, for

a couple whose son is having some difficulties with school,

a friend and her mother who are recovering from covid,

a friend whose mother is struggling with a long-term, serious illness,

a young lady who was compelled to leave her homeland due to political reasons,

some people I deeply respect who are in jail for political reasons,

a couple who are working hard to establish a small business,

some people working hard to make an honest living after the social unrest,

some children in poverty in a very poor African country that I am sponsoring, 

many families who feel compelled to leave Hong Kong for various reasons, 

missionaries dealing with health and family issues while working in a poor country,

missionaries working in Muslim countries,

people striving to live authentically under authoritarian governments, 

people in positions of authority, 

until I really could not stay in bed any longer, and got up. 

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