Wednesday, October 29, 2008

No-study-required Degree

The following is an email that appeared in my mailbox this morning. It is self-explanatory. They used to be quite rare. Now they appear regularly, even when the SPAM filter is turned on.

Dishonesty is, of course, as old as humanity itself. It is nothing new, it does not surprise us. But that is a still problem.

We are living better, growing bigger, more knowledgeable, building bigger and more powerful machine. But are we behaving any better? No. Is this progress? I don't think so. Is this where we want humanity to be going? Not for me. I would rather be a honest person than a rich, healthy, smart, powerful but lying jerk.


No Exams/Books/Tests/Interview/classes
100% No Pre-School qualificatîon requîred!

Inside USA: 1-832-550-3161
0uutside USA: +1-832-550-3161

Bacheelor, Degree, MasteerMBA, PhDD (non accrêdited) avaiilablé in the Fie|d of yyoûr choicê so you can even become a doctor and receive All the benefits That comes with it!

PIease leaave belów 3 Info in Voicêmail:

1) Your name
2) ¥our country
3) Your phone no. [please includee Countrycode]

Call Now!! 24-hours a day, 7-Days a Week waiting For yôur call

Inside USA: 1-832-550-3161
0utside USA: +1-832-550-3161

Our Staff will get backk to You in 1-3 working days

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