Friday, July 03, 2020

Justice - eventually

Last Friday evening, my wife and I were discussing the depressing turn of events in Hong Kong.  I felt that justice will prevail in the long run - if not in this lifetime, then certainly in the life to come.  Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” - says the Bible in the Gospel according to Matthew, chapter 5, verse 10.  I am sure people who suffer in the struggle for a more just society will be vindicated, if not in this life, then surely in heaven.  By the same token, the wicked people who oppress and exploit other people may be able to get away with it - perhaps even gloat in the misfortune of the just - but will surely receive their well-deserved punishment at the end of the world.  In fact, I added, I do not wish to see the wicked be punished.  Instead, I wish to see them repent.  That would be an even more satisfying outcome.  

We went to church on the following day.  Lo and behold, our pastor preached almost exactly the same message.  Pastor Y preached that God will not ignore the sins of the wicked.  That He will surely punish the wicked, if not in this lifetime, then in the next.  Pastor Y said also that it is God’s prerogative to punish - hence we do not have to do it for Him.  We felt that God was affirming our beliefs. 

I agree that we do not have to mete out punishment.  That is God’s prerogative, and I do not have the power to do so anyway.  But I believe we should point out their sins - so that they have an opportunity to repent.  We do want them to repent, don’t we?  Jesus says we should love our enemies.  If we do love our enemies, then surely we should not want them to perish, but rather to repent.  Wouldn’t that be wonderful for all?

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