Friday, April 16, 2021

Creativity versus Negativity

Authoritarianism is negative by nature.  The establishment aims to preserve its privileged position by denying the opportunity to share power to others.  It holds tightly onto its ill-gotten wealth and refuse to share it with the people who actually created it with their hard work.  It prescribes laws and regulations to prevents the people from doing things that might threaten their power.  It denies to others the routes to power that it has employed. 

The opposition have to be creative by necessity.  A lot of normal activities that can be perceived by the establishment as potentially threatening to their hold on power are banned by the establishment.  To put forward their ideas and demands, the opposition must find ways beyond what the establishment can imagine.  Due to their negativity, the establishment is normally not very imaginative. That leaves much room for the opposition, and the establishment can often be surprised.  

Negativity is inherently ugly and oppressive.  Creativity is inherently beautiful, satisfying to the creator and attractive to the observer.  Hence it is very powerful in the hands of the opposition.  It can also be very effective in winning over the undecided and the moderate, either among the opposition and the establishment.  When the establishment is surprised by a beautiful, innovative new tactic, it often does not know how to respond, at least initially.  Here the opposition can gain an advantage and perhaps build up  momentum and make new converts from among the moderates and neutrals.  

Unfortunately, the establishment may not be completely stupid. It will soon learn and come up with means to block the creative and temporarily-successful tactics.  The advance hard earned by the opposition can easily dissipate.  Hence the opposition must return to the drawing board, again.  

Creativity is a powerful weapon but success may still be fleeting, as demonstrated in history again and again.  Who will win in the end?  Surely beauty, justice and love will prevail.  God is just and love.  We have to have faith.  But we also have to do our part.  Be creative and persevere.  Love conquers all, eventually.  

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