Saturday, November 28, 2020

Symposium on Service-Learning in Secondary Schools

Today, November 28, we are running a symposium on service-learning in secondary schools.

In the past 10 years, we have worked very hard on developing service-learning at our university and having quite a bit of success in doing so. 
We are also collaborating with and helping other universities in doing so.  

But why wait until university?  What we are doing can and should start earlier.  In fact, many secondary schools are asking their students to do community service. But there is a lot of potential in taking what is happening at the secondary schools to a higher level.  This is what we are aiming at. 

Today, we have a very experienced speaker from the USA, Susan Ward Roncalli.  Some of the people in attendance come from schools that we are collaborating with, and others that we hope to collaborate with in the future.  We are looking forward to plant more seeds and ideas.  Looking forward to seeing more happening among the secondary schools.  

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